[Bricklin] Signs

U S Towing ustow at ptd.net
Sat Oct 9 14:16:28 MDT 2010

Just came back from Hershey and spotted two signs at what I thought was a high
price. A NEW service sign double sided new with the box about 12" X 36" for
$1000  and a LARGE Bricklin sign , just the face used about 5' high by 15'  (I
didn't take a tape to either so just a good guess) $500. You needed a flat bed
to haul the big one. It was near my friends spot , he called me and told me
about it and even he commented that it would not fit in his LWB Chev and it
was bigger than his big roof carrier.
Oh well Hershey is over and I am sure he toke the signs home along with his
Hummer signs.

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