[Bricklin] Door Counterbalance conversions anyone????

Larry Ankeny lvphotogroup at cox.net
Mon Oct 5 13:52:27 MDT 2009

How about the way DeLorean did it.  The same way a garage door is counter 

Larry in LV

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Rick at High Tech Coatings" <rick at hightechcoatings.com>
To: "bl" <bricklin at autox.team.net>
Sent: Monday, October 05, 2009 9:39 AM
Subject: Re: [Bricklin] Door Counterbalance conversions anyone????

> Electric linear actuators that can handle the load tend to be 1) slow, 2)
> expensive, 3) bulky, 4) high current draw. also Impossible to move without
> power. You may be able to rig up some kind of Rube Goldberg wind up deal, 
> but
> you will probably need to carry a couple of extra batteries to get the job
> done quickly and smoothly
> I have seen it done with 3 nitrogen charged cylinders, 1 in front 2 in the
> rear, They were custom made and had fill valves installed to get them 
> balanced
> just right. they worked great, but the guy had about a grand in them at 
> the
> time, oh and that was 30 plus years ago.  He also added  AMC hornet outer 
> door
> handles,
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