[Bricklin] AMC gas tank

Mike Walsh mike.walsh at walshware.com
Wed Nov 26 17:01:00 MST 2008

I had to have my gas tank "hot tanked" to clean out the rust and 
varnish. I had to travel to Georgia (about 1 1/2 hours away) to find a 
radiator shop that would hot tank it. Apparently EPA regulations in 
Florida won't let the local shops do a hot tank.

The shop told me they had to do it slowly or it would eat up the tank so 
it was about 2 weeks before it was ready. While they were at it I had 
them add a drain plug to the bottom of the tank.

I decided to use Bill Hirsch's tank sealer 
(http://www.hirschauto.com/prodinfo.asp?number=GTS) instead of POR 
because Ethanol gas is becoming so common and I didn't want to  risk 
having the coating  coming off and contaminating my fuel system.

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