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<div dir="ltr"><img src="https://a.gfx.ms/Emoji_1F1EC_1F1E7.png" alt="Emoji" class="Emoji$1F1EC_1F1E7$C55 RenderedEmoji"><br><br><font style="font-size: 20pt;" size="5">Only 21 more days!!!</font><br><br><br>I've/we've been getting a <b>great response</b> to the Planning/Potluck dinner, coming up on <b>Feb 7</b>. Our dinner will be held in a relaxing, quiet, private, dining room this year. As in the past, your ideas for driving and social events will be discussed and planned. Without you, well, the driving season and the potluck dinner just won't be as much fun. <img src="https://a.gfx.ms/Emoji_02639.png" alt="Emoji" class="Emoji$02639$AA6 RenderedEmoji"><br><br>The Governor General is <b>challenging</b> our members from <b>south</b> of Salt Lake, to attend and bring ideas for events in their area. How about it Utah county members, do you have a favorite drive down there you'd like to share with the Club? We'll help you with the organization and planning of the event. You won't have to do it all on your own.<br><br>Rumor has it that Jim is going to whip up another batch of his famous chili. YEA!!! Also in the rumor mill is a rumbling that there may be others bringing their renditions of chili for a friendly chili competition.<br><br>Remember, our Potluck Dinner is WAY better than Chuck-a Rama. <img src="https://a.gfx.ms/Emoji_1F60B.png" alt="Emoji" class="Emoji$1F60B$AC1 RenderedEmoji"> You and your contributions make it that way. <br><br>Make certain that you have the date on your calendar, <b>Feb 7</b>.<br><br>When: Saturday, <b>Feb 7th</b>, <b> 6pm</b><br>Where: South Valley Unitarian Universalist Society Church<br> 6876 S. Highland Dr. (2000 East)<br> Cottonwood Heights, UT 84121<br><br>See you there!<br></div>