[Bmcu] British Field Day

Donald donlawrence at msn.com
Sat Jun 20 08:52:42 MDT 2015

Russell-They are wired in series for 12 volts, so yes you can use a trickle charger to keep the charge up on both batteries at once. Think of them as a "split" conventional  6 cell 12 volt battery. There is a very heavy connector cable that runs across the center between them to make the series connection. Of course, your 64 was  positive ground from the factory. 

Kind regards,

Don Lawrence 

Sent from my iPhone

> On Jun 18, 2015, at 11:03 AM, Russell Baker <russell.baker at thermalwest.net> wrote:
> Rob,
> We will be there.  Let me ask a question.  My 77 MG has a 12 volt battery and my 64 has two 6 volt batteries.  I keep a battery tender on the 77 and I would like to put one on the 64.  The question, is the 64 wired in a manner that if I put the tender on one of the 6 volt batteries will it charge both batteries?
> Thanks
> Russell Baker
> Russell.baker at thermalwest.net
> From: Bmcu [mailto:bmcu-bounces at autox.team.net] On Behalf Of Rob McNair
> Sent: Monday, June 15, 2015 6:35 PM
> To: bmcu
> Subject: [Bmcu] British Field Day
> The British Motor Club of Utah’s British Field Day at Liberty Park will be held this coming Saturday.
> I invited few folks I’ve seen driving Little British Cars in my area.  Two out of three of them expressed a concern that they didn’t feel their LBC’s were good enough to be shown at a car show.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  If you can get your car there by any means it’s good enough to be shown.  There will be no judging of cars.  There is no, “My car is better than your car”.  If you like your car, we like your car.  If you want to bring a MGTD with a L88, great. 
> There are lots of reasons that make it an enjoyable day for me.  I get to “Drive” my car, show it, see lots of other really neat LBC’s, meet and talk with some wonderful folks, have some good food, see what other people are doing to their cars,  get some great ideas that I may want to incorporate into my car and scope out the fabulous British Motor Bikes.
> The point I’m trying to make is please join us on Saturday and enjoy.
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