[Bmcu] Email Address Change

Aiken, Trent (TI) Trent.Aiken at riotinto.com
Mon Jul 29 12:15:40 MDT 2013

Could you please change my email address from trent.aiken at riotinto.com<mailto:trent.aiken at riotinto.com> to trentaiken at yahoo.com<mailto:trentaiken at yahoo.com>.

Thank you in advance!

Salt Lake City
Trent Aiken
Senior Advisor - Surface Mining, Technology and Innovation

Rio Tinto

4700 Daybreak Parkway South Jordan Utah 84095 USA
T: +1 (801) 204 2362    M: +1 (801) 556 5849   F: +1 (801) 204 2890

Trent.Aiken at riotinto.com<mailto:Trent.Aiken at riotinto.com>   http://www.riotinto.com<http://www.riotinto.com/>

Rio Tinto Shared Services Pty Limited. Registered office 120 Collins Street Melbourne.
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