[Bmcu] E-bay Sprite

Mark J Bradakis mark at bradakis.com
Wed Jul 10 21:57:39 MDT 2013

Ron Christensen wrote:
> In case you didn't see this on TV today . . .
> http://www.roadandtrack.com/go/car-culture/go-news-funny-toddler-buys-austin-healey-on-ebay-dad-keeps-it?src=rss&src=spr_FBPAGE&spr_id=1459_12945345
The car in question, the "Frankensprite" was owned by a Team.Net 
subscriber for a LONG
time.  He gutted out an old race car, did some work on the frame to 
prepare it for a Mazda
rotary engine, a narrowed Ford 9" rear axle and such.  And then it sat.  
And sat.  And sat.

The new owners are going to have quite the adventure if they do decide 
to get it back on
the road once again.


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