[Bmcu] Getting ready

Mark J Bradakis mark at bradakis.com
Fri Dec 13 19:14:57 MST 2013

Schlepping stuff from the garage and the basement into the living room, 
preparing for
tomorrow's porch sale.  Noon to, oh, 4 or 5 at 739 South Park Street ( 
540 East )

I know it isn't British but no doubt many of you out there will be dying 
to get this
great offer on a Klaan tools KL 0021 spring compressor set. Fits a wide 
variety of
Mercedes-Benz cars.  New the set goes for $1200 US dollars, I'm willing 
to let it
go this weekend for a mere $500 cash!  Such a deal!

Okay, maybe I won't even drag out that rather specialized tool, but 
hopefully a few
folks can find a deal or two on something they may actually use in their 

See you Saturday!


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