[Bmcu] Gas Tank Clean/Re-seal

R J DAVIS rogerdavis87 at msn.com
Sat Sep 1 16:11:28 MDT 2012

Subject: Gas Tank Clean/Re-seal
Date: Sat, 1 Sep 2012 15:23:56 -0600

OK, I'm starting my research now, so that when I pull my gas tanks I'll have a source lined up to do the job.

I'm looking for a local business (SLC area) that cleans and re-lines gas tanks.  Whom have you used and are you happy with the results?  My gas tank is now 46 years old and the inside coating is coming off.  Some in big pieces and some smaller, so, I'm using two filters before the electric fuel pump.  

Yesterday, Robert and I spent 4+ hours flushing the tanks as well as we could. The attached photo is what we managed to extract from the gas tanks.  Suffice it to say, it is a testament to how durable these LB engines are.   

Roger D

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