[Bmcu] What a great turn out

englishsamantha10@yahoo.com englishsamantha10 at yahoo.com
Sun Mar 25 21:47:59 MDT 2012

Thank you for such great hospitality wonderful day great to see everyone's cars and be able to talk and get advice/knowledge from all..

Kelly and Sam

From my HTC Sensation 4G on T-Mobile. The first nationwide 4G network

----- Reply message -----
From: richornot at comcast.net
To: "British Motor Club" <bmcu at autox.team.net>
Subject: [Bmcu] What  a great turn out
Date: Sun, Mar 25, 2012 9:08 pm

Wow!!  I think we had a great turn out 

I'd just like to give a big thank you to Dave Maxwell for the fantastic demonstration  from my point of view I believe it was well appreciated and enjoyed. 



In my second thought,  How many out here would like a completely hands on clinic on  carburetors or any other items, I had one request to do a Upholstery session. Please get back to me  and let me know 


Thanks again to all that attended 


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