[Bmcu] FW: Utah Bill to Classify Vehicles 30 Years Old and Older as "Vintage Vehicles" Signed Into Law

Gary Lindstrom gary at cs.utah.edu
Wed Mar 30 06:18:35 MST 2011

The only time I've run into a missing front plate problem is the Salt 
Lake City meter maids, who ticket for this as part of their ongoing 
revenue enhancement program for the city coffers.

On 3/30/2011 6:58 AM, johnprogess at comcast.net wrote:
> If you restore an LBC, you will be required to get a mechanical 
> inspection before new plates are issued but that is the last 
> inspection required. Besides the normal show, club activity, etc, you 
> are also allowed "mechanical inspection runs" in your vehicle. So 
> whenever I go out with my LBC, I am on an mechanical inspection 
> checkout! I have had vintage tags for 10 years and never been stopped 
> for any reason. I also don't have front tags on any of my cars. Has 
> anyone been stopped by the police for this 
> problem?/johnprogess at comcast.net

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