[Bmcu] The definitive answer to the querstion of the Fall Colour Tour

dailymail at post.com dailymail at post.com
Sun Sep 26 19:31:28 MDT 2010

... and a  most capable organizer too -
so here I am with my vehicle stored in Moab, sure would like to tag along on
this scenic drive..
Anyone have an empty passenger seat / need a navigator / photographer? [Will
be happy to pitch in for petrol, brew, etc - not much of a talker, however,
not easily phased by standard British auto mishaps, able to assist in pushing,
fixing stuff on the side of the road, etc]


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-----Original Message-----
From: DUFF LAWSON <duff_lawson at msn.com>
To: bmcu <bmcu at autox.team.net>
Sent: Sun, Sep 26, 2010 11:08 am
Subject: [Bmcu] The definitive answer to the querstion of the Fall Colour

The next item up on our infamous "Lucas Calendar" is the Fall Colour Tour.
se your English A to Zed dictionary, Colour is to color as spanner is to
As with the Alpine Loop this year, this is one of the events that had no
olunteer for a sponsor.  Therefore your EFL (ever fearless leader) will make
t happen.
So, we will gather at the Zoo parking lot and go up Immigration and East
anyons and then out to Hennefer.  Then we will wind our way back to Oakley,
T, on the side roads and stop for a repast at the Road Island Diner.  Check
ut the story behind this amazing building, it's incredible journey and the
tunning menu at
ttp://www.roadislanddiner.com/<http://www.roadislanddiner.com/>.  Ok, so the
enu wasn't working the other day when I tried it but I looked a few months
go and they had a really interesting mix of choices.
>From there we will continue on the back roads to Deer Valley Resort and The
t. Regis Hotel for the "Sabrage Ceremony".  Sabrage is a fancy French word
or "Hey, wouldn't it be cool if we hacked off the top of a bottle of campaign
ith a really big knife?"  So ... as they are the crazy French ... that's
xactly what they do.  It's quite a show.  They also then give out a free
ample.  From there you are on your own to get home, safely!
All of this will begin at 11:00 AM (for an 11:30 departure) on Sunday, LET ME
EPEAT, SUNDAY, October 3rd, 2010.  This is one of the events each year that
e try to schedule on the other day of the weekend.  This time of year we have
o be more aware of the weather so the rain date will be October 10th, the
ollowing Sunday.  You may rest assured that I will be watching the weather
orecasts closely as the event draws nigh and the email the day before will
retty much be the final word.  My intention however, is to stick to the 3rd
nless it's snowing!
mcu at autox.team.net
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