[Bmcu] Fwd: The Beehive Targa Rally

Jimrevel at aol.com Jimrevel at aol.com
Tue Nov 2 18:54:11 MST 2010

Fyi this is from my son JP, Pete Petras, works at the Bohemian Brewery  on 
72nd South East of State Street.
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From: JP Revel <lelander at mac.com>
Subject: The Beehive Targa Rally
Date: Tue, 02 Nov 2010 12:29:51 -0500
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HI Pops!
Hope you're having fun in Indy!  I just got a note from my friend Pete Petras, and he is organizing a Utah rally - please spread the word to all your british car friends!

Here is a link to the site for the rally:


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