[Bmcu] Bmcu Eureka Gold Run

R J DAVIS rogerdavis87 at msn.com
Sat May 15 18:59:49 MDT 2010

This is NOT the Official Report of this activity.  All opinions express are
solely those of the author and not necessarily representative of the BMCU.

WOW!!!   What a beautiful day for a drive.   The temp as we drove along the
west side of Utah Lake was perfect for LBC motors.  Not too hot, not too cold.
The line of cars stretched out for the better part of a mile.  We claimed the
road as ours and everyone else had to follow.  Even when we arrived in Eureka,
the weather held and we only experienced a few random drops of rain.

Thanks to Paul and Larry for taking the time to organize and lead us on a
really fun tour.  Great Job!!

Hope to see you all on the T3 (Tour To Torrey) in a couple of weeks.

Roger D
Yellow Sunbeam Alpine

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