[Bmcu] Fwd: Wasatch Back Tour Sunday 8/1/10

Jimrevel at aol.com Jimrevel at aol.com
Sun Jul 25 17:26:23 MDT 2010

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Date: Sun, 25 Jul 2010 16:17:29 EDT
Subject: Wasatch Back Tour Sunday 8/1/10
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Several of you that have registered to attend the Classic Sports  Car Show 
on Saturday 7/31 have asked about the above.  As you know Dave  Maxwell is 
going to lead it and following is a summary of the time and place to  meet 
and the route. If you would like to go on it and didn't advise me of that  in 
your registration please email me that you would like to so we can get a  
Thanks, Jim
Place to Meet: Park City Mountain Resort Open Parking Lot
Time to Meet:  9:45AM as the departure time will be promptly at  10:00AM
Tour: We will tour the Snyderville Basin, on through Promontory Ranch. Then 
 to Wanship and the West side of the Weber River to Coalville. From there 
we will  travel up Echo Canyon Road to either the I-80 interchange, or until 
the  potholes become unbearable. Back to Coalville and Wanship on the East 
side of  the river. Then we will head to Kamas for lunch at some place yet to 
be  determined. From lunch on it's head home on your own.

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