[Bmcu] BMCU Annual Planning Meeting & Pot Luck

duff_lawson at att.net duff_lawson at att.net
Sun Feb 7 20:30:52 MST 2010


The British Motor Club of Utah will call to order the February 2010 Annual
Planning Meeting & Pot Luck Dinner at 6:00 pm on Saturday, February 27th.
Please hold the date open.  The location is the same as in recent past years,
St Paul's Episcopal Church located at 261 South 900 East, SLC.  Paul Jarouch
has graciously consented to coordinate the Pot Luck portion of the evening,
please email him at bughous at msn.com to indicate what gastronomical wonder you
will be providing.  Please let him know early what you have planned as waiting
till the last minute will surely give him ulcers!  Rarely in the past has
there been a problem, but please plan on a dish with 8-10 servings and Paul
will let you know if other categories are in greater need of faire.

This is the general memberships opportunity to voice their opinions, concerns
and interests for the events of the coming year.  I have said it before, but
hear goes again, this is YOUR club and YOUR voice needs to be heard.  Some of
our regular events did not happen in 2009 because no one stepped forward to be
a sponsor.  Please bring your ideas, enthusiasm and a tasty dish for an
evening of LBC talk and bench racing.*

Donations to the Treasury are always welcome.  BYOB, (fermented beverages, in
moderation, are allowed), plastic silverware, plates and napkins will be
provided.  Serving utensils are available.  Come early (5:45 pm) and help set
up or stay late to put chairs and tables away.  Offer valid for the date of
event only.  Batteries not included


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