[Bmcu] Marty's Wiener Roast

MD Vannood vannood at intergate.com
Tue Aug 31 12:42:59 MDT 2010

Dear Member:

September is a busy month for our club.  Here is another fun outing for you to
add to your schedule:

Place: Top of City Creek Canyon

Date: Sept. 12th. (a Sunday)

Time: 1400 hrs till dark

Dinner: Pot luck dinner @ 4 pm


Here's the deal...Me, and my staff, will prepare grilled hot dogs on a bun. I
will furnish condiments for your bun(s) and sufficient paper products and
plastic ware.

We ask that you bring something for the table. This can be any type salad
(green, mac, potato, whathaveyou). Desert items are always popular. Of course
chips & dip are welcome too. These are just suggestions. Bring anything or
nothing at all and just enjoy a dog. You are still welcome! Please be advised
(due to this being a sensitive watershed area) No Dogs are allowed. Also, this
event is B.Y.O.B.

How to get there..


North - Paul Jaroch will gather @ the Layton Checker store 3150 W. 200 N. at
12:30 for a          departure at 1pm.

South - Mike Bailey will gather his group at 1 pm at his shop 187 W. 4800 S.

East - Pugs Pivirotto will gather @ the Hogle Zoo parking lot at 1 pm

Nowhere - Go to B Street and 11th Ave. Take the road up the canyon.

Let's have some end-of-summer fun!

Any questions?  Just call me.

Martin Van Nood, Chancellor of the Exchequer  801.467.0525

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