[Bmcu] FW: [BMCU] Alpine Loop info again

wbeech at flash.net wbeech at flash.net
Fri Aug 20 15:16:56 MDT 2010

Friendly Reminder of the Alpine Loop run tomorrow :

8:00am: Breakfast at Mimi's Restaurant right next to where we will be
marshalling to depart from the South Town Mall east side parking lot.   (I
have a table reserved but need to know if you are coming)

9:30am: Gather at the mall parking lot and be fully briefed on the route for
the day, or just follow Jon H.

10:00am: Depart the mall en route to the Chevron station on Hwy-92 in Alpine
for mid-morning break and pick up additional drivers coming up from the

11:00am: Depart Alpine and head for "The Loop" and on to Heber via Midway.

12:00am(est):  Arrive in Heber at the city park.  Drive right onto the grass
from the north side by the backstop and line 'em up!

As this is a picnic you need to provide you own basket & drinks(no alcohol),
there are plenty of drive through places in Heber to grab a burger or
sandwich to go.  OR, you can have Mimi's fix a lunch for you before you
leave Sandy and that will keep you from scrambling around for something to
eat at noontime in Heber.

I'll be on the radio this afternoon in Heber to tell the locals about our
so they don't greet us with shovels and pitchforks. 
Actually, we will end up with quite a few folks stopping in for our
impromptu LBC car show.

The weather man says it will be a beautiful day so put your top down and
come enjoy a drive that has become a great BMCU tradition.


Bill Beecher
'58 TR-3A TS30766L  "Tarbaby"
"A Triumph is man's best friend, it always comes when it is called...of
course, some times it is difficult to make it go"

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