[Bmcu] reminder: tech session sat. 1/24 on carburetors

Gary Lindstrom gary at cs.utah.edu
Mon Jan 19 13:32:41 MST 2009

Tech Session on Carburetors
By Jay Jennings
January 24, 2009

Once again the BMCU will be guests of the Wasatch Mountain Jaguar 
Register at a tech session on carburetors run by Jay Jennings, 10am 
Saturday January 24.

Jay is a long time member of both clubs, and has graciously conducted 
several tech sessions in the past, most recently on January 28, 2006 on 
British electrical systems.

His automotive knowledge (and knowledge of just about everything else 
mechanical and electrical) is extensive, and he excels at communicating 
both basics and advanced aspects.

Jay has a long history of car activities, ranging from drag racing to 
concours quality restorations. Right now hes deeply involved in 
restoring a Jaguar XK140 fixed head coupe and a Peerless roadster with 
Triumph running gear.

Topics covered will be basics of combustion, carburetion principles, SU 
carburetor design, tune up procedures, and other notable carburetor 
designs such as Holley.

The event will be at 10am at the Jennings place of business, Therm Pro, 
280 W. Plymouth Ave., So. Salt Lake City, UT 84115, phone 801-268-9658. 
   This is just north of 39th South, off 300 West. [The Lucas calendar 
on www.britishmotorclub.org gives a MapQuest link.]

This is expected to be a popular event with members of both clubs, so 
come early to get a good seat.

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