[Bmcu] Fwd: [Fwd: Forwarding news to the BMCU]

Andrew Frink bugeye at drooartz.com
Sat Apr 11 16:48:52 MDT 2009

> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: Forwarding news to the BMCU
> Date: Tue, 7 Apr 2009 13:09:55 -0400
> From: <GHawkins at moog.com>
> In planning the event at Miller Motorsports Park I had hoped to
> continue our good fortune in getting free passes into the Le Mans
> race and free access to do a lap around the track, as we had done
> for the past two years.
> Unfortunately it looks like the passing of Larry Miller also took
> away our free access to the raceway.  Or maybe it was to be expected
> that the sportspark would expect us to pay our own way after a
> couple free events.
> The outcome is that Miller wants $15 per person to allow us to lap
> the track.  They will give us a 20% discount for the $27 entrie fee
> but the free pass is a thing of the past.
> Under these circumstances I am planning to cancel this as the WMJR
> event for May 16th and instead plan a local driving event like a
> rally instead.
> Please extend my apology to the BMCU for inviting them and having to
> nenege on my offer, but I know they will understand.  We'll just be
> thankful for the courtesy and hospitality Miller was able to extend
> in the past and plan to visit them on an individual basis in the
> future.
> Glen
> 4/07/2009

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