[Bmcu] Colour Tour update (Sunday 9/30)

Gary Lindstrom gary at cs.utah.edu
Wed Sep 26 09:21:23 MDT 2007

The Salt Lake Tribune is predicting partly cloudy, high of 71, low of 41 
for this Sunday.

So, all systems are Go for the Fall Colour Tour.

We'll rendezvous at 8:30am for a 9:00am departure at Hogle Zoo, as 
described in http://www.britishmotorclub.org/2007/ColourTour9-30-07/

Don't forget warm clothes and a picnic lunch (or plan to buy one in 
Kamas or Silver Creek Junction.


p.s. There have been some construction stops on the upper Emigration 
Canyon road throughout the summer, which we'll likely encounter, just 
like we did on the Trappers Loop Run.  I don't expect major delays, however.

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