[Alpines] Heater drain tube [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

Heuer, Paul Paul.Heuer at dsto.defence.gov.au
Sun Aug 22 20:02:29 MDT 2010


Hi all,
I have a S3 that is missing the drain hose and duckbill9 valve from the
heater system. I can order the drain valve from Kip Motor Company, but I9m
not sure about the drain hose that runs from under the heater box to the top
of the trans tunnel.

If it9s not readily available, can anyone tell me the diameter of the pipe?
It seems to me it should fit over the the outlet of the rubber drain tray,
but that would result in a large pipe! Perhaps there is a heater hose from a
modern car that can cut down?

My last resort will be to bend up a piece of 1/22 copper water pipe, paint
it black and use a little RTV to seal it into the inside of the drain tray
outlet? Problems....????

Paul in Adelaide, Australia.

PS - Chuck! I9m still here mate!

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