[Alpines] Some Help for The Bonneville Sunbeam..MK2 Headlight Rims...

Paul R. Breuhan prbreuhan at hotmail.com
Mon Sep 8 08:14:40 MDT 2008

If you can wait...I will be working up some MK2 headlight rims in a plastic
resin after the TEAE United in October...so I would guess early/mid November I
would have something available.

Also spun aluminum headlight covers can be found at Pegasus Auto Racing...you
can also get the classic Lucas PL-700 Tri-pod series round headlamp as decals
from them (if you like that look) for your race car.



> Subject: [Tigers] Soem Help for teh Bonneville Sunbeam..> > sitting here
listening to my gums heal I got to thinking... those clunky > headlight rims I
have on the car are trult un aerodynamic devices. I > know there were the
nifty ones on the MKII cars but are therrrre any > others that I might use
like those? One that can be obained with a small > cash outlay and refurbished
to work? How about some shaped aluminum for > headlight simulation withing
those headlight rims? Any ideas out there?> > mayf
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