[Alpines] Bonneville World Finals Meet

drmayf drmayf at mayfco.com
Sat Oct 6 12:44:18 MDT 2007

Well, I just returned from a fantastic October meet on the salt, which 
does not happen very often. Last time was 2001. The world's fastest 
sunbeam (wannabe), with it's jy turbo inspired turbo system, it's 
tweecer driven engine management system, and my own half baked ideas of 
how to make it go had a good time. Our first run put is in impound: we 
qualified to make a record run. That was at 180 and change for a flying 
mile. Next morning cool and a bit of headwind. Bummer, as I coul dno 
tback it up and only ran 178 mph for that same flying mile. Needed to 
make at least 179. Dang wind... Went back out the same day with a tad 
more spark and ran about the same speed. Engine simply has not gone more 
that about 5200 rpm at any meet so far. Not for lack of pushing on the 
throttle, lol... my 95 mm TB is at full open. In any case, things got 
really exciting when I pulled the chute at the four mile mark... I was 
slammed sideways in both directions three or four times. Finally slowed 
enough to get me off the course in good shape, drove it off. Took a look 
around the car and found the right rear rubbed the fender lip a bit and 
when I looked under the car rear suspension, found the diagonal locator 
link had managed to unscrew itself, moving the rear opver by about 3/4 
inch. SInce it ws dog tracking when I pulled the chute it pulled me 
sideways and started the excitement! Since the meet was just about over 
due to weather, We just put the car in the traile rand loaded up to come 
home. Oh, the speed at which it got exciting was 176 mph. As the dash 
sign on another car said, "don't sh*t in fire suit" , I no wunderstand 
what that truly means, lol.

I now have to research why the car will not turn more than about 5200 
rpm.  My hardware should be good for at least 6000 rpm. I have no 
evidence of anything like valve float or fuel limiting going on. 
Something else is amiss. 

In any case, we made it home safe and sound, had a bunch of fun mixed 
with stark terror.

more later


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