[6pack] Wire wheels

John Macartney johnbmacartney at gmx.com
Fri Mar 29 15:19:39 MDT 2024

What you describe with clicking sound on drive take-up or over-run is a common feature on many cars with knock-on wires. Essentially, it boils down to bad machining on the hub and poor quality of the mating surfaces on the wheel centre spline. Over a period of time the snugness of fit becomes sloppier no matter how tight the centre lock spinner.
My younger son had the same complaint with his fully restored 1970 MG Midget and in the end, the only cure was four new wheels,  four new splined hubs and a goodly dollop of copperslip on the mating surfaces. I’m told by those in the know that this is a perennial problem with people with E type Jaguars when they all came ex factory with chrome or painted wire wheels.
My sympathy for you but Welcome to the Land of Clonkclick


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