[6pack] 73 emissions question

Robert Perry rgperry at earthlink.net
Wed Jul 6 11:42:35 MDT 2022

Attached are two pics on an original 1972 TR6 with ZS carbs with no emissions except for carbon canister in the front next to the radiator.
-----Original Message-----
From: Yahoo 
Sent: Jul 5, 2022 9:05 PM
To: 6pack at autox.team.net 
Subject: [6pack] 73 emissions question
Hi all    just went back to ZS carbs after 20 years with hs6.   I had a decent set of ZS on the shelf so used them rather then rebuilding hs6    Looking at the carbs from the passenger side of the car, the metal tubes that go straight out to the left are vented to air.   Should the metal tubes on the right side that go up at a 45 degree angle be capped or vented to air? I ran the vacuum line from retard capsule over to bottom of carb.  The rocker cover vent tube vents to air outside the engine bay.  No emissions test or inspection in my sparsely populated province.   
Thank you, Bruce Simms 

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