[6pack] Painted!

Richard Lindsay richardolindsay at gmail.com
Fri Nov 1 05:27:22 MDT 2019

James > You don’t want to break off the bolts and have to make
James > a trip to a machine shop. (Been there)


On Fri, Nov 1, 2019, 1:52 AM James_ <jattr6 at hotmail.com> wrote:

> Oh rusted bolts.. the joy. (Not!)
> I’ll share with everyone some excellent penetrating oil. You can buy
> Kroil. Expensive but works. Or make your own. Equal parts of diesel fuel,
> brake fluid and acetone. Use a glass container or metal. Not plastic.
> Acetone will eat through plastic.
> I’ve heard another mixture of power steering fluid and acetone. It was a
> particular type of power steering fluid. I know it was on YouTube and
> should be easy enough to find and watch the test of various products.
> I’ve had great success using my mixture.
> Good luck.
> You don’t want to break off the bolts and have to make a trip to a machine
> shop. (Been there)
> On Oct 30, 2019, at 11:18 AM, Richard Lindsay via 6pack <
> 6pack at autox.team.net> wrote:
> Update:
>    Yes, I should have taken the bumpers off but the bolts are so rusted
> that they would have either broken or would have had to be sawed off. I
> chose the easier path since this a driver, not a 'correct' show car.
>    The paint color is incorrect but again, a driver. The color is GM
> Cobalt Red if applied as a two stage with extra clear. Subsequent dings and
> problems can now be touched up with paint from any autoparts store in the
> States.
>    The shop painted the underside of the bonnet and deck lids as well as
> inside the trunk. Door edges and jams are resprayed now too. They did not
> paint the engine bay. I want to do that myself, preserving labels, etc.,
> and now can easily do so.
>    I have not yet decided whether to spray the Kamm back satin black, or
> to leave it in red. I had them paint it red so I would have the choice.
> They did not paint below the lower chrome trim strip. I will respray that
> black. Same with the front spoiler. It will also get resprayed black.
> Rubber bumper protrusions too. Same satin black.
>    I will not replace the British Leyland badges to the sides. British
> Leyland all but destroyed England's motorcar industry, like most things a
> government touches. I don't plan to replace their badges-of-failure on my
> car.
>    This car also had the TRIUMPH letters and stripe down the lower sides,
> just above the trim strip. It will not be replaced. I haven't decided
> whether to apply the flag and 'TR6' letters on the sides ahead of the tail
> lights. I can add those at any time, if desired.
>    The car comes home tomorrow and reassembly will begin.
> Rick
> On Wed, Oct 30, 2019, 9:54 AM Richard Lindsay <richardolindsay at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Painted!
>> Rick
> <20191030_082537.jpg>
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