[6pack] [TR] Computer Fun

Bob Labuz yellowtr at adelphia.net
Thu Jun 9 06:56:26 MDT 2016


I have been using Ubuntu for over 10 years now. Last year I "upgraded" 
my wife's pc running xp to Ubuntu.
The best thing I can think of for Ubuntu is the update process. Never 
had a problem. The only downside is the kernel is not as specific for 
your hardware as Gentoo for example.

Good luck!


On 06/08/2016 12:16 AM, Mark J Bradakis wrote:
> So someone hacked into Team.Net through the web server, and used it to 
> spew out spam. What fun. The main issue has been taken care of, but it 
> was happening long enough for some service providers to set up a block 
> for the Team.Net IP. So a fair number of you may never see this 
> message. I'll be working on restoring access, but it could be some 
> time, like several days.
> And meanwhile I think I will build a new server, start from the ground 
> up. Stick with Ubuntu, or Fedora, or ??  Decisions, decisions.
> In the meantime I will work on getting mail flowing out as best as 
> possible.
> Thanks for your patience.
> mjb.

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