[6pack] Sandblasting rust.

Bob Labuz yellowtr at adelphia.net
Wed Feb 11 07:58:52 MST 2015

I used that black coal residue blasting media. It comes in coarse and 
fine grade. I used the fine. It is cheap so you can blast outdoors and 
not have to worry about media recovery.

My outdoor blaster also came from Sears. It works very good but you have 
to keep the media very dry.

I setup one of those portable garages and covered the sides with plastic 
used for painting. Very cheap at Lowes. That way, all the dust stays in 
the tent and wont bother your neighbors.

If you do choose to blast out doors, get one of those blasting hoods + 
always wear a good dust respirator  and a good set of gloves. Best to 
also wear overalls from head to toe. That media gets everywhere!


> I dread having to remove the brake and clutch lines and cylinders and 
> brake
> booster to allow unobstructed access to paint the compartment. I have 
> some
> rust in those higher areas too. I plan to blend in the urethane as 
> best as I
> can to avoid painting the entire engine compartment. Especially since 
> I've
> never painted before. But have some left over paint and thought I'd 
> try my
> hand at the less visible engine compartment. I'll leave the outside 
> body paint
> to the pros who aren't just painting in a garage!
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