Robert M. Lang lang at isis.mit.edu
Fri Sep 27 05:23:25 MDT 2013

On Thu, 26 Sep 2013, Zimmerman, John wrote:

> I've re-entered the hobby and have a question about taking the top down.  I
> seem to remember s procedure from years ago about folding the side wings a
> certain way so the windows ddn't get damaged.  Is this information still
> available?

This information is available... in the Owner's Manual. If you don't have 
one, you can get a reprint.

> Also, a suggestion for a gas lead additive, maybe something that can be
> purchased locally.

You don't need it. Period. I've been using no-lead for more than 100k 
miles. I've had zero problems due to the no-lead. Anyone that tells you 
otherwise should back up thier claim with actual first-hand evidence.

> Thanks,
> John Zimmerman

Bob Lang              Triumph TR6!!            |  This space for rent
Former NER Solo Chair                          |
Voice:617-253-7438                             |  Cell: 339-927-4489

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