Zimmerman, John john.zimmerman at dpg.com
Thu Sep 26 12:43:19 MDT 2013

I've re-entered the hobby and have a question about taking the top down.  I
seem to remember s procedure from years ago about folding the side wings a
certain way so the windows ddn't get damaged.  Is this information still

Also, a suggestion for a gas lead additive, maybe something that can be
purchased locally.


John Zimmerman

Traffic Supervisor

Sumitomo (SHI) Demag - Plastics Machinery

Van Dorn Demag Corp.

11792 Alameda Drive

Strongsville, Ohio  44149

PH: 440-876-6251

FAX: 440-876-6428

john.zimmerman at dpg.com <mailto:john.zimmerman at dpg.com>

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