[6pack] electrical gremlins - follow-up

Andrew Uprichard auprichard at uprichard.net
Sun Dec 18 14:32:17 MST 2011

You gotta love these cars.  Turn signals and hazard lights now working.
Problems discovered along the way:

1. Faulty hazard flasher - explains why the hazard light was not working on
the dash.
2. Green red / green brown error in the (new) wiring harness - explains why
the back-up lights were flashing and the turn signal was not.
3.  Faulty (new) hazard relay.

For #3, I borrowed a relay from a friend's TR6 - but not before I had pulled
the turn switch.  Also found switches are easier to remove than re-install.

As Marv Gruber reminded me, I need to keep telling myself this stuff is

Andrew Uprichard

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