[6pack] Carburetor problems?

John North johncnorth at gmail.com
Mon Jun 21 19:36:35 MDT 2010

I believe I have this fixed using the Jaguar needles B1E (thanks Joe
Curto) and moving to 50 weight oil in the dashpot.  Needles set at two
full turns from full rich.   O2 sensors still showing rich (2 green
bars on the K&N gauge) but no hiccups and misses anymore.   Ready for
the car games!!

(Now on to one more carb problem in another thread)

John North
1976 TR6

On Tue, Jun 1, 2010 at 2:33 PM, Sally or Dick Taylor
<tr6taylor at webtv.net> wrote:
> John---Going back to the first post on where you have the needle height set,
at two turns down from full rich. This setting would not normally produce the
12:1 or 13:1 richness as shown by your monitor. I'm now also suspecting that
your float levels may be too high. They should be set  close to .625.  If you
find that this is in spec and the oil used in the dashpots (20w/50 is good) it
could well be that the needle selection does not allow for enough fuel flow
right off idle.  The B1AF theoretically should work, at least not stumble, but
some temporary dropping of the LEDs will show up at engine speeds lower than
2500, at sudden, deep throttle openings.
> Dick

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