[6pack] curious dizzy

dave dave at ranteer.com
Sun Jul 18 12:56:33 MDT 2010

I had my dizzy, with pertronix, sent out to a "local expert" recommended by
my mechanic.  he doesn't polish like Jeff, and obviously is not so good.  (I
have since sent my TR3 dizzy to jeff)

I'm running a spare in the mean time, and it runs fine.  I get the dizzy 
line it up like my spare, and both the rotor and the tang at the bottom are
in alignment (matches the working spare).

I put it in, and I get great fireworks out both the tailpipe and the carbs,
just depending on how I rotate it.  great fun, but obviously the car won't

I've heard of dizzy's being 180 degrees out, but in my poor naove brain,
that says to me that the rotor would be 180 degrees off.  which it doesn't
appear to be in this case.

can someone enlighten me?  and tell me how to fix this?  (I am considering
sending both to Jeff and having him resolve it!)  should I move the wires
over 3 places and see if that works? 

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