[6pack] TriumphBob

jimmble at roadrunner.com jimmble at roadrunner.com
Wed Feb 24 20:31:57 MST 2010


Thanks for the heads-up on Bob. I am so sad to hear of his health problems. I'll be dropping him a line.

Chin up, he'll pull through!

Jim Franks

---- TR250Driver at aol.com wrote: 
> Hi Guys,
> Just thought I should post a note about our dear friend Bob  Palmer. I am 
> sure many of you know him for he has been my sidekick for nearly 20  years 
> now as we have done all things Triumph together.  We recently made  the trek 
> to the NATC in SLO together.  It was a great life time experience  for both 
> of us.  Bob has been in the Cleveland Clinic for a week  now battling an 
> acute blood disorder that came on suddenly.  Aggressive  Chemo Therapy has been 
> conducted for 7 days and now Bob is resting and awaiting  bone marrow tests 
> which will determine the next course of treatment.  He is  in good spirits 
> and a strong person so the prognosis for a full recovery is  good. If you 
> would like to send him a note of encouragement for a full  recovery his e-mail 
> is _TriumphBob at aol.com_ (mailto:TriumphBob at aol.com) .  His lovely wife Ava 
> is by his side  and printing out all his e-mails for him. 
> God Bless  Him,
> Darrell
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Jim Franks

Too many projects, too little time.
No good deed goes unpunished.

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