[6pack] Arcane Trivia

Navarrette, Vance vance.navarrette at intel.com
Mon Feb 15 13:00:21 MST 2010


        Looking at cars on eBay got me to wondering...

        The center console plinth for the vent/heater/fan/choke knobs. Is it
secured with chrome or with black screws on the 1974-1/2?

        Somehow I got it in my head that they were supposed to be chrome, but
looking at some eBay cars, now I am not so sure. I wanted it to be correct
(call me anal, go ahead!) so now I am worried, 3 years after I completed my
car. Sigh.

        Does anybody know?



Vance Navarrette
 [cid:288345619 at 15022010-03F6]
DefMet Dirt Devils
Send Vance a page<mailto:8666386817 at archwireless.net>
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