[6pack] TTA Charity Drive Update 18 Sept 2009

Glenn A. Merrell - TSN StagByTriumph at triumphstagclub.org
Fri Sep 18 20:30:13 MDT 2009

[From BCF Triumph Forum] Updates at John's site at 
http://www.triumphtransamerica.org.uk/ seem to have dried up since Sept. 
12th; has anyone heard anything? Or maybe he decided to just stay in 
Vancouver! I hope all is well.  ...

Yes actually John, Liz and UJ crossed the US border, traveled to Edmunds 
WA to spend some R&R with family.

Today, Friday they drive to Vancouver WA / Portland OR area in prep for 
a drive Saturday with the Portland Area Triumphs.

The 21st they head out of Portland, OR over to HWY 101, down to Eureka 

The 22nd, probably some crooked road driving on the Matole Road / Kings 
road to  Bodega Bay for an overnighter.

The 23rd should then be down 1A from Bodega Bay, over to Santa Rosa  and 
Calistoga to the Silverado trail to Silver Oak and Stag Leap vineyards, 
Down to Napa, over to Novato or Petaluma, the Marin French Cheese farm,  
to Point Reyes National Seashore and Lighthouse, back over to 1A, down 
to Stinson Beach, maybe an overnighter before heading over the hill to 
101 and up to Corte Madera on the 24th.
The 24th John does a presentation for the Lions Club, then it is up to 
TTSCC until the 28th in Monterey where Susan and I will meet up with 
John, Liz and UJ.
Then some Anniversary celebrations for John and Liz - 5th Wedding if you 
recall from the TVT a while back, then the Gran Finale Drive the 30th 
down HWY 1A to SLO.

There will be a Gran Finale Toast at the Embassy Suites the evening of 
the 30th in the Hotel Lounge during the Managers reception!

Be there if you can!!

Glenn Merrell
TSN Admin
mailto:StagByTriumph at triumphstagclub.org

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