[6pack] Charity Drive, "tweets", Triumph and Berma Shave!

Glenn A. Merrell StagByTriumph at triumphstagclub.org
Sat Jul 25 16:34:00 MDT 2009

Hey!  I resemble that message!
I'm a bit over that hill too ya know ...  Triumph ...

A tweet is simply a "text message" sent via Twitter.com  to your 
computer, or to your cell phone as a text message  ... Triumph ...

(is this sort of like "Berma Shave"?)

Actually I am just learning how to use this myself, it is even baffling 
some of the old computer hacks among us.

There is a Twitter "How To" Video here

Amaze your kids and grand kids!!
Berma Shave !!! ... ah Triumph!

Glenn Merrell
TTA North American Coordinator
TSN Admin
mailto:StagByTriumph at triumphstagclub.org

michael lunsford wrote:
> For those of us who are really over the hill our Triumphs have all the tweets
> and twitters we need.  What's a tweet and how does it differ from a twitter. 
> Notice I mentioned Triumph so there is some relationship to this forum.
> Mike Lunsford, 1970 TR6, further over the hill than I thought.


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