[6pack] TTA Charity Drive tweets on Twitter

Glenn A. Merrell StagByTriumph at triumphstagclub.org
Fri Jul 24 21:31:46 MDT 2009

This email is sent out to all the Triumph lists.  If you are not 
interested in Twitter updates for the Triumph Trans America Charity 
Drive 2009, please excuse the intrusion and delete this email.

Hi All,
I have set up a Twitter account for John Macartney, and I also have one 

Tweet texts to Twitter from my phone work fine, I just found out how to 
get texts coming TO my phone and also on my Twitter page.

This will take a bunch of interested people to get this group going, so 
if you are on Twitter (like Randall - tr3nut) join it!

I'll try to keep some morning and evening status texts about John's 
travels until John starts tweeting himself, something I need to get John 
in the habit of for the next two months.  It will really help out for 
when he goes into Canada for the last part of the TTA drive, tweets are 
cheaper than making cell phone calls from a US based cell phone.

To follow John, John's Twitter user name is TTASTAG   - all capitals

My Twitter user name is StagByTriumph  - just like it is typed.

I am getting ready to launch an email campaign to get people to notice 
the TTA drive and its cause promoting awareness for PTSD, and also for 
getting John's Visa extended using an email campaign.  As I get updates 
I'll send tweets.

If I identify a contact source for example, like writing an email to 
President Obama at http://www.whitehouse.gov/CONTACT/ to have him look 
into getting John's charity drive or visa extension, please spread the 
word! (that is a hint!)

If any of you know contacts others need to email or contact to promote 
awareness for this drive, likewise, spread the word!

Maybe you think Twitter is useless?

This would also work really well for say, opposing anti classic/antique 
car legislation for example because tweets get the word out like 
wildfire and give an immediate reply avenue to your elected representatives.
Maybe asking a group of fellow TR3 enthusiasts where to find a part?
Possibilities are endless.


Glenn Merrell
TTA Charity Drive North American Coordinator
TSN Admin
mailto:StagByTriumph at triumphstagclub.org

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