[6pack] Yet another tire discussion.

Robert Lang lang at isis.mit.edu
Tue Feb 17 12:23:43 MST 2009

On Tue, 17 Feb 2009, Navarrette, Vance wrote:

> 	RML:

Present, Sir!

> 	Having completely destroyed my credibility out there with the "How 
> much is a 5 speed worth?" debacle, maybe I should be lying low for a 
> while.... Naaah! What fun would that be? As Confucius once said "To be 
> seen, stand up. To be heard, speak up. To be appreciated, shut up."

Nah, keep the quips coming.

> 	Ahem. Do I remember some people saying that the 225/60 tires would 
> rub something under the body on some cars? Was it the front end when the 
> steering is at its extremes?

The answer actually depends on several factors. One important one is 
whether you have lowered the car (or not).

I ran 215/70's for years and only had minor rubbing when the car was 
turned full lock on very uneven gound (think one or more feet of slope 
between the left side of the car and the right side). That car is lowered 
about 1.5".

Now, when I ran 225/50-15 race tires (same car), I had MINOR rubbing at 
full lock on the sway bar. That was an Addco 7/8" bar. I never did figure 
out if the bar had shifted left/right in the mounts (very possible due to 
how the Addco bar is installed). But again, this car is lowered kind of a 
lot and 225/50's are a LOT wider than the stock tire (close to 2" wider 
for that particular tire). 2 inches is a LOT.

> 	Memory is fading.... must take ginko-biloba soon... Hey, where did 
> this adult diaper come from?

Yikes!  TMI

> 	Vance
> 	P.S. Comparing tires is like being in a locker room. Its fun to 
> impress your friends with the size of your rubber even if you seldom go 
> for a spin.

Oh yeah.

Except the folks that get the right rubber will always beat those that put 
a zillion bux$ into a motor. Unless the motor guy also puts tires on in 
which case it's C YA.

Funny side bar... GRM ran a series about ultimate track cars. Each car was 
characterized with HP, weight and other factors. The single factor that 
led to better  lap times was TIRE WIDTH. More rubber is more fasterer.

You can quote me on that.

Bob Lang              NER/SCCA                 |  This space for rent
Solo Chair 2008       TR6 40 F Prepared        |  Triumph!
Voice:781-438-2568    FAX: 617-258-9535        |  Cell: 339-927-4489

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