[6pack] TR6 Trunnions

Greg Tatarian gtwincams at gmail.com
Sun Feb 8 16:56:59 MST 2009

Sounds to me like your trunnions are worn where they thread onto the 
vertical links. It is my experience, and my understanding from talking 
to friends in the Brit car resto business, that these should not be 
loose as you are describing, but snug with little to no perceptible play 
(they should rotate easily however). It is also my experience that if 
the trunnions have not been oiled for many miles of use the threads on 
the vertical link will get worn, sometimes significantly. I've seen them 
so bad that new trunnions would wobble on the links. The threads will 
also rust, reducing their diameter further. You should inspect the 
threaded part of the link for any "necking" or wear, and see how a new 
set of trunnions fit to determine weather replacements are needed.
I have found that replacement trunnions from overseas that are sold by 
the various catalog suppliers vary greatly in quality and consistency. I 
bought a set from VB last year that were machined so poorly at the 
inside threads that one would simply not screw completely onto the 
upright! The other was almost as tight, and being concerned about 
galling, I refused to use them and returned them for credit, not wanting 
to get another set from the same manufacturer. I ended up using some 
gently used older trunnions from my stockpile of parts that fit snugly, 
and rotate smoothly.
Greg Tatarian
1974 TR6
1971 Lotus Elan
1974 Alfa Romeo GTV

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