[6pack] TTA Charity Drive arrival to Colorado

Glenn A. Merrell - TSN StagByTriumph at triumphstagclub.org
Thu Aug 13 19:27:52 MDT 2009

Hello All,

John Marcartney and "Uncle Jack" are now sweating it out in Texas. When 
I was there two years ago for VTR, it was 115 F!!!
Here is the schedule from the TTA web site starting the 18th of August 
for caravaners in the North Texas, New Mexico, and Rocky Mountain 
Colorado regions.

Tuesday 08/18 - Departure from Amarillo TX to Raton NM to Rendezvous 
with any and all caravaners to escort John to Colorado Springs. After an 
overnighter in Colorado Springs -

Wednesday 08/19 - drive up and down Pikes Peak Toll road, then lunch in 
Colorado Springs , then north toward and through Denver before rush hour!

ALL ROCKY MOUNTAIN BRITISH CLUBS: John is available for a talk about 
Coventry Motor industry days either Thursday 20th or Friday 21st 
evenings. Contact Glenn Merrell ASAP to set something up at your venue 
and invite all the other British Car clubs and members - pass the hat! 
Any arrangements and organization are greatly appreciated!

At this point, were at about past the halfway point in terms of 
distance covered and distance to go before the finish. With this in 
mind, Glenn and Susan Merrell have kindly asked John to spend a few days 
R&R with them in Lafayette, Colorado. Glenn is past Chairman and 
President of The Triumph Stag Club, USA and very much of a moving light 
in the organization and co-ordination of the Triumph Trans-AmeriCa 
Charity Drive 2009, Glenn being the TTA North American Charity Drive 
2009 Coordinator.

Sun. 23 August. A visit to Fort Collins as a guest of The British 
Motoring Club of Northern Colorado

Tue 25 August. The Drive resumes with John and uncle jack leaving Fort 
Collins, en-route for an evening meet with the guys and gals of 
somewhere between Ft. Collins and Omaha NE.


Glenn Merrell
TSN Admin
mailto:StagByTriumph at triumphstagclub.org

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