[6pack] body off frame experience.

Todd Bermudez red_tr250 at yahoo.com
Wed Oct 1 05:47:46 MDT 2008


I(we) feel your pain.

Keep motivated on the frame/suspension...remember, it
won't fix itself.  Try to do something either every
day or every other day...even if small.  Set a time
table to be done.

I say this and I look at a chassis that's done & a
body that's close to painting & no money...something
to keep in mind as well!


Todd Bermudez

--- Bob <yellowtr at adelphia.net> wrote:

> All,
> Last weekend as I was removing stuff from my latest
> project and was hauling it 
> down to the cellar for storage, I had that strange
> feeling I was Radar 
> O'Relily from Mash in that episode where he was
> dismantling a jeep one part 
> at a time and shipping it to Iowa.
> Any one else ever get that feeling?
> The parade of parts is over for now as the body is
> off the frame.
> As soon as I get some good weather so I can get the
> 3 and the bikes out of the 
> garage, I then can get the engine out so I can go to
> town on the frame during 
> the winter and spring.
> Bob

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