[6pack] Painting brake calipers?

Robert Lang lang at isis.mit.edu
Mon Nov 10 05:27:15 MST 2008


I've just wire-brushed my calipers prior to painting. I've done a couple 
of sets. One set I seperated 'cause I wound up using a grease gun to get 
the pistons out... that was a messy-messy job getting the grease out of 
the passages! But the most recent set was a piece of cake (the pistons 
came out easily with a screwdriver and some persuasion) and I just used my 
bench grinder with 6" wire brushes... the whole job took maybe two hours 
(to strip, wire brush and paint), add another hour for painting.

I used Duplicolor silver brake caliper paint.

Bob Lang              NER/SCCA                 |  This space for rent
Solo Chair 2008       TR6 40 F Prepared        |  Triumph!
Voice:781-438-2568    FAX: 617-258-9535        |  Cell: 339-927-4489

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