[6pack] Toyota 5-speed seal failure?

Bill & AnnaBelle anabil007 at comcast.net
Wed May 28 15:20:32 MDT 2008

If  you will read the  installation instructions from Herman you will  find ...

1. Extend the driveshaft to its maximum extension.
2. Install  the locking collar over the extension, right next to the 
driveshaft, so that it CANNOT RETRACT !!

8. If the driveshaft  dimension is longer than the distance from the 
distance from the transmission flange to the differential flange.  It 
MUST  BE SHORTENED by that amount.

So ... when in doubt   RTFIs ... <:-|

And Joe, is right  the very best way is to have a custom drive shaft. 
I got one  from Driveline Stockton,  complete with Spicer U-Joints , 
for $150.00

>I know that new engineered ideas evolve, things are discovered, 
>improvements are made, etc.,&nbsp;but this is one reason (of a few) 
>that I now regret installing a&nbsp;Toyota 5-speed in my TR6 last 
>year.&nbsp;&nbsp;Yes, regret.&nbsp; If I had to do it all over 
>again, I'd go with the OD instead.&nbsp;
>If you are considering the conversion you might want to re-think it.&nbsp;
>Joe Merone
>As Bob Danielson has already answered, it is likely that the tranny 
>flange moved too far forward and ate the rear seal. The locking 
>collar prevents the driveshaft from collapsing, but it does NOT 
>prevent the driveshaft from extending further than it should, which 
>would cause the flange to be below the minimum distance from the 
>seal. Bob told me about this, as I am in the process of doing this. 
>After I read his report and email, I found that I could pull the end 
>of the driveshaft out of the splines. After seeing this, it is off 
>to the driveshaft shop for me to have one made without sliding 
>splines. You only want 1 slip joint in the assembly, and you have 2.
>Irv Korey
>74 TR6 CF22767U
>Highland Park, IL

Bill  Pugh
1957 TR3 TS16765L

AnnaBelle Pugh
1970 TR6 CC59179L
Wallace, CA

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