[6pack] Slow wipers

Steinman, Bill wsteinman at pogolaw.com
Wed May 7 11:47:53 MDT 2008

 At the risk of taunting the Prince of Darkness himself to curse me, I
must agree with Gary's comments.  I have found that Lucas parts get a
bad wrap because for the most part, the ones on our cars are old!  I
can't think of something that has gone wrong on a Lucas component in one
of my cars that wasn't just the result of age.  Heck, after 40 years,
some of *my* parts are worse for the wear!

The only possible exception is the hazard switch on my TR250.  That
little puppy contains something like five or six parts.  I do feel that
another manufacturer would have designed it to be less fiddly.

And I repeat -- it's just not safe to drive in the rain.  Or after dark,
for that matter.  :o)

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