[6pack] Paint on Block Question

Bob Danielson 75TR6 at tr6.danielsonfamily.org
Tue Mar 25 09:03:29 MST 2008

Yesterday I painted the engine block and got a little over spray on the
Manifold mating surface on the block. All the intake & exhaust ports were
blocked off but some spray did get on that part of the block. In hindsight
(being 20/20) I should have put the old manifold gasket on the engine to
cover that area. My question is: Will the paint interfere with the sealing
of the manifold gasket and if so, what's the best way to clean it up? Paint
stripper? Acetone? Belt sander (just kidding).



Bob Danielson
1975 TR6 CF38503U
Running w/ Throttle Body Injection

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