[6pack] Premature clutch pressure plate wear, tale of woe and intrigue.

Foster, Stan stan.foster at hp.com
Mon Mar 3 14:59:44 MST 2008

Last winter I replaced my clutch with the TRF magic clutch system including a
Sachs pressure plate and disc. I had the flywheel resurfaced, new engine and
tranny mounts, gearbox and engine mated with alignment dowels in place.  About
400 miles after re-assembly  I started getting clutch judder in 1st gear and I
lived/suffered with it all summer.

This winter I pulled the engine and tranny for some engine work and inspected
the clutch. There was nothing broken or loose and no obvious sign of
contamination but the disc had one shiny rivet that looked iffy. I sent the
disc back to TRF and they (Dave) returned it saying yes the rivet is oddly
shiny but there is nothing wrong with the disc. I bought a new disc anyway
with a small discount from TRF for my trouble.

So the clutch judder was still a mystery

Today I took the pressure plate and disc to the machine shop that is doing
some work on my block, crank and head. He wanted the clutch parts to use when
balancing the system. He took one look at the pressure plate and deemed it
unfit due to wear. It has a ridge where the clutch plate engages and the
surface appears "wavy". He doesn't believe that it should have worn that way
in just a few hundred miles and thinks this could explain the judder. He was
joking about offshore parts quality and suggested I examine the pressure plate
for evidence of a  Budweiser label in the metal.

Anyhoo to cut a long and depressing story short, I am wondering if this was an
isolated case or if there is a history of premature wear in the Sachs pressure
plate especially, and modern clutch parts in general.


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