[6pack] Fuel percolation

Robert Liam Gannon trsix74 at comcast.net
Tue Jul 22 17:11:44 MDT 2008

I've seen heat shields advertised by the big 3.  Does anyone have experience
with these?  Are they effective?
I almost became, "that guy" that stalled-out in the Lincoln Tunnel late
Sunday afternoon... not a good way to end the trip w/ my Mrs. to-be...

I have the heat shield on my TR3 and it helps. I won't say it's the answer
to all. I have had similar experiences in tunnels, which were caused by
insufficient fuel in the bowls due to restricted rubber hoses and my speed.
At 65 mph it was fine but at 72mph she would sputter and die until the float
bowls filled up and gas got to the intakes again. Make sure bends in the
rubber connection pieces are not sharp. 

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