[6pack] B Pillar Blues

Robert Lang lang at isis.mit.edu
Wed Jan 23 14:21:08 MST 2008


I have direct experience with this...

There are three mount points for the seatbelts (for the Kangol 
retractables), the B-post at the floor, the inner mount is through the 
frame and the rear-most point which is the lower wheel well. You could 
count 4 points if you include the pivot on the upper wheel well on each 

The hardware for the BOLTS is essentially grade 8. This stuff is tough to 
drill! If the bolt snaps off (these are 1/2-20 bolts, so you need a LOT of 
force to snap them), you need to resort to "plan b". The reason is - and 
especially for the lower B-post anchor point - is that that the bolts go 
into a blind nut that's welded to a plate which is pretty thick (3/16 
maybe?) and the plate is bent at a right angle and seam welded to two 
sides of the lower b-post. So it's really hard to cut the old out and put 
a new one in. It can be done, but it's really time comsuming. I know, I've 
done it.

But all is not lost.

You can mimic the mount point by welding a grade 8 nut to a plate which is 
3" x 3" and then tacking the plate to the underside of the floor pan. You 
will have to get creative to do this right, because there's a lot of stuff 
that interferes - the frame, the trailing arm and associated outer 
bracket, etc. But it's a lot easier to install a hack than to cut the old 
piece out and install a new fab'd piece... easier unless you need to 
replace the b-bost, that is.

If you're not doing a concours resto, the hack method is fine. Just 
remember that you need to spread the load so the bolt won't pull through. 
Most sealt belt kits that you buy for race cars use a 3" x 3" backing 
plate of at least 3/16" thicness. If you do that, the bolts won't pull 
through in the case of a shunt.

Bob Lang              Room N42-140Q            |  This space for rent
Consultant            MIT IS&T unix-linux-help |
Voice:617-253-7438    FAX: 617-258-9535        |  Cell: 339-927-4489

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